Friday, January 25, 2013


Several months ago after attending Word of Life Island summer camp, I made the decision to go on a missions trip to South Africa. I have been a Christian since I was eight years old, but didn't take it seriously until I rededicated my life to the Lord when I was thirteen. I had heard about missions, prayed for the missionaries my family and church supported, and even knew several people who had been on mission trips, but never thought I would actually participate in one. I was introduced to ''Student Fusion," a division of Word of Life Ministries, for the first time two summers ago.  Being only thirteen at the time (with a minimum age limit of 16), I put it to the back of my mind.  

Last summer I saw another presentation by the missions team and this time I really felt God tugging at my heart to get up and go.  I took the flyer home and looked it over. I mentioned it to my parents and received their full support.  I strongly feel God is leading me in this direction.  I have no doubt He wants me to step out in faith, get out of my comfort zone, and do something! 

It says in Matthew 28:19-20-- So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. This is what God asks of us, and this is what i'm trying to do & fulfill. I was inspired by the verse Isaiah 6:8, which says-- Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom will I send? Who will go for us?” I said, ''Here I am. Send me!'' and the song ''Send Me'' by Lecrae, which says-- The Great Commission says make Disciples of all nations. Have we even made em in our own nation? Come on Christians, missions exist because worship doesn't. People don't worship the God that made them. We Ambassadors.. let's Go! God has given us all a call, so why don't we go? Whether that be in our own town & country-- or Africa. 

He wants me to be unashamed of Him and share the truth of Jesus' saving power with others. '' We 'aint ashamed-- You can call us lame, but everybody gotta die and stand in front of the King.'' We are to be unashamed of the gospel, and unashamed of sharing our faith. I am believing in that & starting to take the step! There is NOTHING in us alone, that we can boast-- We are to be boasting about Jesus Christ, the one who took His own life for us. Without Him we would be/ are nothing, and it's in His life alone that we can boast at all. ''I count it lost if I can't hear you, feel you, cause I need you. Can't walk this earth alone. I recognize I am not my own, so before I fall, I need to hear you, feel you, as I live to make my boast in you alone. '' (Boasting, by Lecrae)

I have just begun this journey and I have already been blessed so much. 

I've gotten a lot of encouragement and have been given advice and inspiration from others. 
I can't wait to see what God has in store for me and what He's ready to do in my life. He is really amazing some times-- No, all the time.  I just have to obey.  Oh yeah, I don't like flying, but God has removed that fear from me! 


''How can I help?'' Prayer-- prayer is always needed: Preparation of our hearts, the hearts of the people who are going to be touched (in Africa), support funds, and all-together safety. (two of my friends are taking this journey with me! :)

(If you would like to help, by getting me TO & BACK from Africa, you can donate here: CLICK HERE )
Every little bit helps and is GREATLY, Greatly appreciated! You can keep updated on the trip, & my progress here on the blog. (uniquely me)

God is doing amazing things! I'm just amazed at what is happening, and has happened so far.  


  1. YAY :) so so so excited for you and the incredible things that God will use you for! this trip will change your life. for real. excited to pray with you and see how God will work! :)

    1. thankyouthankyouthankyou. i can't wait to see what He's gonna do either! :) xo

  2. God pressed the desire on my heart for a missions about a year back and since then he lead me to Poland once and I am going back again this summer. So reading about him placing this desire in others hearts is so encouraging.
    It's an uncertain journey, and it can frighten me when I think of becoming a full time missionary one day, but I can't wait to see where he leads :)

    Can't wait to hear more about Africa!

  3. Yay! I'm so happy to hear this. It's been in my heart to be a missionary since I was six or seven reading about them in my history books. Once I got older the thought of giving up these luxuries seemed appalling. This November, God rekindled the desire in my heart to serve others outside of my home. He placed a special burden in my heart for Central America, more specifically, El Salvador, where my dad is from. I want to work with the children of that country. The only country I consider my second home. However, I'm only 15, and most missions (like you mentioned) require you to be a minimum age of sixteen. So until then I, serving in my own home and those God happens to put in my path on my many travels. Ill be praying for you, Olivia. May God bless you as you serve Him! I can't wait to see what He'll do through you. Looking forward to reading follow up posts about Africa :) xx

  4. oh goodness girl, this is beautiful! praise the Lord! mission trips are life changing! I just went on my first one last summer and I am going again this summer (Lord-willing if course:) and it has changed me in so many ways. I know the Lord will use you greatly through this! Mission trips are such a great opportunity to grow closer to the Lord, get to know others in a deeper&more meaningful way, and be able to serve!

    I will pray for you! can't wait to hear more about this exciting adventure God has given you!
    (and it's always nice to have friends come on our adventures with us isn't it?! how fun!)

    oh and flying, no biggie;) I used to be SO afraid (and my dad has worked with the airlines my whole life haha) and the Lord helped me overcome that fear of flying:) I have flown about ten times in the past year and it's totally safe and I find it like super fun now:D

    btw i'm a new follower (who just left like a super long comment, nice. ;) haha) and I love your sweet blog:D

    1. aw! no, thank you for the long comment. i enjoy encouragement like this :) xoxo

  5. Oh my word...THIS IS SO AMAZING!! I'm so glad you are going to do this - I know God will really bless you (and others) through this step of faith! I don't have any sage advice other than, you are amazing! (And one could hardly call that advice!) Keep us posted okay? :) YAY!

    1. thank you. amazing? okay. you too girl :) xo

  6. I am SO excited for you, Olivia, as you take this step of faith...get ready for a life changing experience! I went to Africa in 2009, and it was one of the most eye opening, heart breaking, exciting, and life changing months of my life. I will be praying for you, and I can't wait to hear more about it!

    In Christ,

  7. Good luck Olivia!!!! I know it'll be a great time! I wish I could go!
