Every year I learn something, every year is going to be "the one", and every year I make memories.
at the beginning of 2013 I made goals and lists and plans. I thought I really knew some of how my year would go - God totally proved me wrong of that. I did some new things, went places, made memories to remember, learned part of who I am, and was stretched & broken.
my word for the year was "lovely", I tried my best with it and actually did use it quite a bit.
God stretched me out of my "zone" and used me in more ways than I thought he would. He taught me that I am weak but he is strong. I learned that love is important and that I need more of it. I learned that friends are there for me more than I even know.
r e w o u n d: 2 0 1 3
r e w o u n d: 2 0 1 3
f e b r u a r y (it took me 2, 400 licks!)
f e b r u a r y
m a r c h
a p r i l (FL)
a p r i l (skyler, va)
m a y
j u n e
j u n e (sweet 16 s+arbucks!)
j u n e
j u l y
j u l y
a u g u s t
a u g u s t
a u g u s t
a u g u s t
s e p t e m b e r
s e p t e m b e r
n o v e m b e r
d e c e m b e r
in 2013: I counted licks to the center of a tootsie pop and got glasses. I started a pen-pal friendship & turned sixteen. I went to south africa, ate zebra, and was chased by a monkey. I added a new camera lens and discovered my love for stripes. I gained more of a desire to spend time with and talk to God. I was baptized and went to florida. I started running and drank airport coffee. I pet a baby lion, had sonic for the first time, and ate lots of ice cream. over all 2013 was a good one. I thank God for all the good parts and teaching me what I truly needed to learn. He is awesome.
2013 taught me. . . what I don't need in life. how to try and stand strong when I feel weakest. to depend on the people I have around me ... and my amazing God.
I am hopeful for a year of God teaching me more (!!!), taking me places, using me, and showing me. a year of doing, seeing, & reading. 2014, i'm ready!
what did 2013 teach you?
Oh, you are a sweet one. 2013 taught me that I am the biggest idiot ever...in all reality! Love you!