Monday, June 16, 2014

five things

i. this is my summer song...or everyday song. you should listen to it, and then listen to it again and maybe dance, because everyday should be the best day of your life. but really, hands of the best songs ever. 

ii. my summer has indeed started. what this means is going barefoot when I can and eating many (many) ice cream cones.

iii. this one is going in all caps...just cause I can. I AM GOING TO UGANDA IN JULY. MY COUNTDOWN IS NOW AT LESS THAN A MONTH TO WHEN I LEAVE MY LITTLE TOWN FOR A FEW WEEKS. (ok, i'm good). anyway, I am really excited to venture out to africa again this summer to share Jesus' name in another culture. 

iiii. what summer's really about is to see how many cups of iced coffee & ice cream cones I can down before it ends...right.? ;) it's on.

iiiii. I am now 17 and am excited for a good and happy summer. to spend time with people and do things. I am ready for whatever God throws at me and any new beginnings that may be ahead.! 

what's happening with your summer.? :)


  1. Hi! I literally just found your blog and have read through a few posts. Your photography is beautiful and I love the strong faith and relationship with God you have. I'm following now!

  2. Ooh iced coffee and ice-cream cones! Two of the best things :D

  3. That american authors song is what dreams are made of! Love it!

  4. iced coffee + icecream = summer essentials.
    and i'm so excited for you + your uganda trip! that's so so exciting and i'll be praying for you.

  5. WHY did you have to post a picture of ice-cream!?! now I want some... ;)
